a short animated film by Špela Čadež and Marina Rosset
Germany/ Slovenia | 2010 | 2 min | 35 mm | color | 1:1,66 | 25 F/s
Chalk hunts the shadow. When it gets caught, only traces of their game are left behind.
Idea, direction, animation: Špela Čadež
Co-direction, animation: Marina Rosset
Puppets and set construction: Žiga Lebar
Sound design: Tomaž Grom
Sound mix: Johanna Herr
Producer: Špela Čadež
Production manager: Erik Winker
Promoted by FFA
VESNA for best Slovenian Animated Film, Slovenian Film Festival 2011
Animateka, International Festival of Animated Film, Slovenia 2011
46. Solothurner Filmtage, Switzerland 2011
International Festival of Animated Film Anifest, Treplice, Check Republic, 2011
International Festival of Animated FilmMonstra, Lizboa, Portugal, 2011