Creative solutions with a twist

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Our Projects

Three birds

short film by Zarja Menart I in production


short film by Špela Čadež I 2021

Orange is the new black unraveled

commition work I 2017


short film by Špela Čadež I 2016


short film by Špela Čadež I 2013

Last minute

short film by Špela Čadež I 2010

FEFF trailer

puppet animation I 2009

Good night, Missy

short film by Špela Čadež I 2009

Little prince Luka

short documentary I 2017

Happy 2014

commission film by Špela Čadež I 2014


short animated film by Špela Čadež I 2007


short animated film by Špela Čadež I 2004